How is new life feeling after this earthquake, and what do we have to understand now?
These recent earthquake did shook Nepal and Nepalese around the globe. It was catastrophic, the biggest our generation have ever experienced and imagined. It’s agonizing to see numerous loss of lives and houses brought down to rubble leaving millions homeless.
It was very heart-warming to see the national and international community rushing to help our country in need.
However, it’s naive to think that we can put things back in place and restore what we all have lost with the help of charities and donation. Let’s learn through mistakes from Haiti. Charities will surely act like a pain killer but in order to heal Nepal it would take every individual united with the right attitude and a bit more patience. “Khai ke garne” attitude is likely to cause a deeper damage. I have already seen some positives among our citizens who are getting together for better future. We surely have started thinking more matured. Keep that going.
Let’s kick-start by doing something good, however much you can. Keep that right attitude. We’ll get there!!!