The question which arose in my mind before the counseling session was, “Why should I take this counseling session even when I was feeling OK with whom I was? Usually, we think that but now I feel, I was wrong in my own perception. I visited Mr. Amrit’s office to talk with him about little confusion which I had on my mind. He gave me lots of good advice on how to make a great carrier ahead for my life; helped me to find answers to different corners of myself which I was unaware of before meeting him. It takes a lot of strength and courage to tell about personal struggles of life but on that day we shared all our life experiences. He taught me the skills to develop my self-confidence, make better decisions, the value of one decision, how it can change our life, and how to think to lead a more satisfying and fulfilling life. What I learned is not just the point but what I got to embrace for my life feels different, a good experience to look at my whole life in a different approach. Thanks to you for all the good you have poured into my life.