Well to rise up again is not such an easy thing. No matter how much we go around telling that youths bring a change, its not that easy. We should …
express your voice
Project Express Your Voice was started in June 2015 after the devastating earthquake on 25th April 2015 that killed nearly 9,000 lives and injured nearly 22,000 people. The natural disaster that had struck us right at our hearts had brought devastation and death. Thousands of lives, priceless monuments, and many villages were lost to us.
Express Your Voice was initiated by gathering the ideas of young people with the mission to reconstruct our thinking and recognize our responsibility toward the advancement of our country. The vision is to establish a robust framework of ideas that will inspire and lead young people toward positive transformation.
Express Your Voice

express your voice
Project Express Your Voice was started in June 2015 after the devastating earthquake on 25th April 2015 that killed nearly 9,000 lives and injured nearly 22,000 people. The natural disaster that had struck us right at our hearts had brought devastation and death. Thousands of lives, priceless monuments, and many villages were lost to us.
Express Your Voice was initiated by gathering the ideas of young people with the following mission: to reconstruct our thinking and recognize our responsibility toward the advancement of our country. The vision is to establish a robust framework of ideas that will inspire and lead young people toward positive transformation.

Express Your Voice
Discover the insights:
“Read the Collected Voices from Our Campaign Participants!”
The biggest challenge for the youth of Nepal is EMPLOYMENT. Too many young lives are lost in no hope for a reasonable economic future (for themselves and their nation).The youth …
Youth have to focus on self-control, awareness, and flexibility skills to contribute to the development of the country. They need to prioritize tourism and self-improvement in order to bring about …
The youth of the country determine the future of nation. They should understand the cultural, socio-economic and political aspects of the nation. The nation will be prosperous only when youths …
Instead of trying to focus on only developmental works, if we could focus on changing mindsets positively, the country will develop automatically. Otherwise, it will be like one trying to …
Nation and Nationality is the only matter of our self-hood and existence. It’s our total responsibility to save our country’s pride and that would be only possible when YOUTH take …
First of all, we should understand and realize the current problems faced by the youths in our country, and I think the youths of Nepal are suffering a lot in …
I want to express my thoughts numerically as follows:1. Human capital or human wealth. It is the most important of all. Investments should be done in health, good quality education. …
Development always starts from an individual’s mindset, capability, skills, creativity, and positive attitude. First of all, people should stop saying ME all the time and start a habit of saying …
New generations represent the future development of a country. Their role is to challenge the establishment, helping present-day leaders to revise their thinking and long-term planning. The key to success …
I think it’s high time we should be focusing on sustainable development. If we can commercialize agriculture-based products in our country itself, it will open job opportunities for many people …
Life is uncertain; we need to realize that it is selfish of us to expect the country to give us something without us doing anything for the country. It’s an …
Well, the youths should realize the meaning of these two strong words, YOUTH POWER! After all the youths are the future leaders of our country. They have got the power …
We all know, youth is a period of human life where the body, soul, and mind are full of energy. If this energy is used in a positive path they …
How is new life feeling after this earthquake, and what do we have to understand now? These recent earthquake did shook Nepal and Nepalese around the globe. It was catastrophic, …
How is new life feeling after this earthquake, and what do we have to understand now? I am in London but the earthquake has surely affected every Nepalese here mentally. …
How is new life feeling after this earthquake, and what do we have to understand now? Our perception towards humanity is different now.We have faced and known what disaster actually …